
Our coverage mainly includes Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and part of Bolivia. It also reaches the Falkland Islands and the northern sector of Argentine Antarctica.

We can offer capabilities from small bandwidths for IOT solutions to large capacities with support for 4G LTE technologies above 100M.

Foto cortesía: ARSAT

Satellite Broadband

Our Satellite Broadband - Corporate BAS has a maximum speed Internet connection for remote sites with unlimited traffic.

Satellite technology allows communication solutions to be implemented anywhere in the country with identical benefits and features, meeting connection, availability, and reliability needs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We provide the best telecommunications infrastructure available to the oil and gas industry. We guarantee reliable, safe, and continuous operation under any weather conditions.

Our technology maximizes efficiency in energy consumption, making it the most appropriate for operations via photovoltaic panels or wind generators.
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Manageable Private Network

Our Managed Private Network (MPN) service allows the user to define a dedicated satellite bandwidth and connect the number of remote sites with VSAT terminals that are required without geographical limitations; the terminals use resources from a dedicated satellite capacity.

With these facilities, the user can create the bandwidth size and add the number of remote points required, expanding their network of sites at a very low marginal cost.

Each terminal can be individually configured and its bandwidth profile defined within the network, with the capability to access internet, data, and telephone services.

It can include visibility into real-time statistics, control of remote site settings such as QoS and filtering, and the ability to create group QoS profiles to ensure end-user service levels (SLAs), all without the expense of implementing a large-scale Satellite HUB and teleportation solution.
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Cellular Backhaul - CBH

Currently dozens of sites in Argentina rely on our Satellite Backhaul solutions which facilitate the communication and expansion of cellular networks, guaranteeing coverage and support for 4G and LTE technologies.

The rapid development of cellular networks requires connectivity both in places where terrestrial technologies do not reach and where they become unfeasible due to cost or deployment time.

These are the cases where Satellite Cellular Backhaul becomes an excellent tool which allows cells to be placed in the air, at a very reasonable cost and with reasonable implementation times.
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Back Up

We offer backup and security with 99.7% availability for contingencies involving terrestrial links, points of sale, and ATMs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Terrestrial networks frequently have outages or quality degradation. To minimize these difficulties, we provide backup systems or Satellite Backup.
With equal benefits and regardless of the geographic location where it is used, Satellite Backup is a highly available and reliable tool.
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Central Office
Diógenes Taborda 127 2° piso
Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Argentina

Telefone: +54 11 4152-5200

Technical Service Center 
Customers only – 24 hours

Phone: +54 11 4152-5100
+54 9 11 5588-6437